Tag Archives: UTI

Brothelbabe’s favorite Tips Tricks Lotions and Potions for Marathon Sex

7 Oct

This is a post for you ladies, or you guys with girlfriends who maybe don’t have the stamina you do, but you want to help your partner increase their stamina without their poor vagina’s tapping out.

I enjoy marathon sex.
My vagina does not always.
Sometimes I almost want to pass out.
I keep an inhaler in my nightstand.
I have things like gatorade on hand to help with re-hydrating and re-fueling. Otherwise I may actually black out from low bloodsugar during sex, and feel like it’s probably almost happened, any number of times.

(Side note: Forgetting to breathe in the heat of the moment is something I need to work on, but at least if I am dizzy, I know I am having a good time)

That being said – there’s stuff you can use to help your night(s) of pleasure be a bit more enjoyable.

I shall lump these into two categories:

Other Beneficial Products

  1. D Mannose
  2. Borax Suppositories
  3. UTI Test Strips
  4. Portable Bidet Attachment

Condom Friendly Lubes:

Let it be known I’m allergic to everything under the sun. Astroglide doesn’t work, I’ve tried a few different ones. My holy grail is one called Liquid Silk lubricant. I’ve used it a long time and it’s never caused me any problems, but you can’t get it on Amazon. You can however buy it below:

Runner Up Lube (prime)


Best BJ Dry mouth solution:


Lu Lu Lube is one of my runner’s up:

Totally non irritating, very moisturizing, and the price point is decent as well. I prefer to put into smaller squeeze bottles.

Buy Here: https://amzn.to/3AjMuM

Blow Job Friendly Lube: Call me crazy – but I get dry mouth during BJ’s. (Maybe it’s the hippie lettuce I smoke, maybe it isn’t.) Normally I’d be like “EW gross, flavored lube” – but I bought some of this recently and a small amount really solves the whole lack of saliva while the ceiling fan is on top speed thing. They have a host of other flavors which I’m a bit curious about.

Abracadabra Lube (Pineapple) – They have loads of other flavors

Blow Job Friendly Lube: Call me crazy – but I get dry mouth during BJ’s. (Maybe it’s the hippie lettuce I smoke, maybe it isn’t.) Normally I’d be like “EW gross, flavored lube” – but I bought some of this recently and a small amount really solves the whole lack of saliva while the ceiling fan is on top speed thing. They have a host of other flavors which I’m a bit curious about.

Buy Here: https://amzn.to/2WQijzh

NON Condom Friendly Lubes

(do not use these with condoms, the condoms will break!!!)

I don’t wanna get all sex-ed 101 with you but DO NOT USE THEE LUBES WITH CONDOMS, the condoms WILL BREAK. II dunno how it came to be but one time I was at a party with a friend who teaches sex ed. She blew up a condom like a balloon. Then she rubbed some coconut oil on the condom. That thing snapped in two within five seconds. Moral of the story: OIL BASED LUBRICANTS ARE NOT FOR CONDOMS. (It was a fascinating demonstration BTW – she said she does it for 6th graders all the time.)

Translation: Use these when you are on birth control with a long term partner and have no concerns about pregnancy due to your consistent use of the pill. If you’re using a condom for STD protection – AGAIN – DO NOT USE THESE LUBES.

Personally I find condoms irritating, so I’m rather diligent in my STD testing (I test regularly) so I can use these lubricants, which I find 5000000 times more comfortable than the standard water based ones.

Also important: Oil based lubricants may stain your clothing/ sheets and may be difficult to wash out. They can also leave oil stains on any t-shirts, pajamas, expensive lingerie, or favorite sweatshirts you have near by. I have lost many a sacred shirt due to greasy lube stains. You have been warned. However, when it comes to pain vs. pleasure, I find these lubes SO WORTH it for the comfort level alone.

My Holy Grail Oil Based Lube, Carlson Vit E Suppositories


Runner Up (Pleasant Smell)

V Magic


Emu Oil (For Injuries)


About Vaginal Suppositories: You might be wondering – what kinda non-geriatric needs suppositories in their vag? Well – me! Maybe it’s the copious amounts of caffeine I drink, or maybe it’s that I am always perpetually dehydrated, or my ceiling fan seems to dry out whatever moisture I have internally, but I’m perpetually dry, everywhere, and it isn’t for any sort of lack of sexual attraction or being turned on. As far as my anatomy is concerned, I am small, and my skin being dry, is prone to tearing easily.

Also, lets talk about the inconvenience and mess factor of liquid lube: First you’re fumbling with the lid. Then you get lube on the bottle, Then more squeezes out than you like. Then before you know it, the bottle is FLYING out of your hand onto the floor rolling away or hitting somebody in the eye, or you ended up with enough lube for like, a bukaki party.


You can hide these stealthily in a bag – they are super discrete. If you think you might POSSIBLY get laid – you insert one a few minutes before it’s happening. (NOTE: The suppository is solid and takes time to melt) – so then by the time things are happening, it’s melted, and your significant other thinks you’re miraculously wet – without ever having to see you break out a bottle of lube! Crisis averted! Plus – the longevity factor alone – these things really go the distance and if you are prone to any sort of soreness or irritation like I am, they will be your saving grace. If you tapped out at a certain time, this will add precious minutes to your adventures.

Buy here: https://amzn.to/2YqigLp

Next up we have V Magic – this one is just “okay” for me but it does fill a need in that it’s completely non irritating, decent in flavor and smell, and good for hand play. Helpful for outer areas of the labia to keep moisture going when you want something a little more dense.

Buy it here: amzn.to/3iERQfG

This I just got into recently. I took antibiotics for something and antibiotics (as they often do) can completely throw off the flora and fauna in your vag, but also cause your labia to randomly tear or break in skin folds (thanks, antibiotics!) While the major issue was solved with clotrimazole – I still had some residual healing to do and thought I’d give this a try. SO GLAD I DID – I wouldn’t use this in a sexing situation necessarily, but I did find it very soothing to some minor cuts and abrasions post marathon sex.

Buy it here: amzn.to/3iBwobd

Other Helpful Stuff for Sexual Health

You might be wondering – “I have all the lubes for all the things, what more could I possibly need?” Wellllll. It can get complicated when you have a new partner. Or if you are prone to UTI’s or yeast infections. So here’s some stuff to help your sexual health that’s a little bit outside of the realm of what your average gal might normally consider.


D Mannose is a supplement that can help with bladder inflammation. Take this when you first start dating a new partner and you MIGHT just ward of getting a bladder infection or UTI. (Pro TIP: ALSO fantastic for bladder issues from airplane travel.)

Buy it here: D Mannose

Borax suppositories
Is Borax used for whitening laundry and on plants? Totally. You can also use at the first signs of itching or “off ness” with your nether regions to prevent a yeast infection.

Buy them here: https://amzn.to/3AfBksl

UTI Test Strips

If you’re living outside of America you might be wondering “what’s with all this health stuff, why not just go to the doctor?” Unfortunately, America’s health care system sucks and a lot of us will avoid going to the doctor if we think something is wrong because cost may be an issue. BUT – if you don’t have the world’s best insurance, these UTI test strips are only $10.00 and will at least lead to a doctor providing faster treatment. FYI – I would NOT wait on getting treatment for a UTI – UTI’s can spread to the kidney’s and that can be dangerous.

Buy them here: https://amzn.to/3ahbIRu

Portable Bidet Attachment

So, in brothel land we have Bidets. If you have never used a Bidet – it’s basically like a tiny bathtub designed for your stinky parts. I tried to get this toilet seat bidet thing but the water pressure on those things could tear the porcelain off a wall and the water is so so cold unless you pay for a heated model. AND – whatcha supposed to do when you travel? Enter a simple solution under $15.00 – the CULO clean. In other countries, they attach these handy nozzles to an empty water bottle or 16 oz soda bottle (cleaned out of course) – fill it with water – keep it by the toilet, and use it to rinse off instead of using toilet paper. You might like it after sexy time, and you might prefer to use it as an alternative to toilet paper. Either way – it’s great to get a little attachment that can be added to an empty water bottle while you’re on the road. Though – a roommate may accidentally throw it away – so you may want to label your bottle “NOT TRASH” so you don’t lose your attachments.

Get the CULOCLEAN here: https://amzn.to/3Awa21j